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Youth Vaping - What Parents Need to Know
The Nicotine in E-cigarettes is Highly Addictive and NOT Safe for Youth
Nicotine damages the developing teen brain

The amount of nicotine in the most popular vapes used by kids = 20 cigarettes
E-cigarette Aerosol is NOT
Harmless Water Vapor
Vape aerosol contains:
Ultra Fine Particles
Other volatile chemicals

Vaping Devices are Easy to Hide

Many look like USB drives or highlighters
Common Physical Signs of Vaping

Colored caps or sticks lying around
Sweet smell around your kid
Spliced or unfamiliar chargers
Common Behavioral Signs of Vaping
Protect Your Kids, Have a Vape Talk!
Frequent coughing, throat clearing
Frequent nose bleeds
Mouth sores
Unusually poor academic
or athletic performance -
Extreme and frequent mood
swings, irritability, and anger -
Be prepared and informed
Have many talks not just one
Choose a casual time and place
Ask open-ended questions to help them open up to you
Be non-judgmental, the vape companies intentionally hooked kids
If they do vape, Offer Quitting Help

If you are concerned that your child is a heavy user of e-cigarettes,
please contact your child's healthcare provider.
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